Monday, January 11, 2010

School Daze

Those lovely books cost me a whopping $635. Holy mother of God.

First things first...Vanessa from V & Co. is having an awesome give away from The Rusted Chain

Go ahead and gander over there for a look-see
Also go check out Vanessa's blog, she's a truly talented lady and gives great tutorials over her stuff.

Sooo, classes start today. Not to stoked about that, tonight I have Botany from 6:30-9:30 yeesh. Now before we go any further Im actually looking forward for botany, its my way of getting out of biology its just the times that kinda suck because three days a week I will for sure miss putting the little one to bed and with work Im sure Ill miss even more then that :0/

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Adios 2009...

The little one loves cell phones... that and remotes.

So the New Year had begun and I have done nothing to welcome it... Im defiantly not one to make revolutions because I can NEVER follow through with them. Im lucky to give up something for Lent. (Sorry God Im sure Ill make this up to you someday.)

Lately there has been this horrible stuff falling from the sky, I think people call it snow? Ive lived in Kansas City my entire life and I have never ever seen THIS much snow. It makes me feel horrible, I just cannot stand snow...I mean its wet and cold and when it starts melting and then it gets cold at night it turns into ice which makes people wreck (there is a story coming here I promise) Last night Marc was picking me up from work, we only have one car, and well he couldn't stop at the stop light because of that damn ice and SMMMMACCCCKKKK right into the side of a ginormous Dodge Ram. We have a lovely dent by our gas tank and a chunk of our front bumper missing. DAMN YOU SNOW/ICE.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Needs to be and WILL be strong.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's almost Christmas...


and you know what that means? It's time for me to get sick. Almost every year since I was a wee little one I get sick around the holidays, I don't know if its all the people hussling and bussling about but man it SUCKS.

Oh but wait, last year I wasn't sick but then again last year I had Brennan and the hospital said before I left I needed a flu shot... maybe I should consider getting one next year, but probably not.

Besides my swollen lymph nodes in my neck... the B-Man has the start of bronchitis which is HORRIBLE! I hope hes not like me when he gets older and can at least enjoy christmas instead of puking in the shower while everyone else opens presents (sorry if that piece of information was too much)

Ugh much to my dismay its has finally snowed here in good ol' Kansas City. I hate snow, really really hate it. Anyways since the little one is sick and its way to cold out anyways I thought to myself "self even though you absolutely snow because its wet and cold and just plain miserable Brennan has never even touched the stuff (he was only two months old last year) and that would be a sight to see" So I brought the snow in to him... I got one of those little clear Sterlite boxes that my aunt puts her shoes in and put snow it in.

HE LOVED IT. In fact he started bawling when I took the dang box away because he was eating to much of it and it was melting all over the carpet.

Tomorrow I have to work and then after work I have a final for sign langauage. OH JOY! I must go study I suppose... or maybe Ill just curl up on the couch and take a nap.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I really don't keep up with this whole blogging thing

Friday, November 20, 2009

Im in love....

... with a fictional character.
Yes I am one of those girls. I am 100% in love with Edward Cullen. I know, I know he's not real. But hey a girl can dream, right?

What a dream boat (insert teenage girl sigh here)

Despite my love for Edward, Marc still shockingly puts up with me and loves me :0]

So the BMan hasn't been up to anything to exciting, unless you call endless ear infections exciting. He is getting tubes on Monday at 6:15 am. Thinking about having to be up before 9:30 am kills me. I am NOT a morning person by any means. Neither is Marc or BMan... thank goodness. Anyways getting up that early wont matter as long as we get a healthy baby in the long run.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Little man turned one last month. I cant believe it, it almost makes me want another one... almost.